If the catering trademark is used by others, you can report it to the local industrial and commercial department in Conghua, Guangzhou. The following three steps are required to complete the report of infringement.
First of all, if the catering trademark is used by others, you can report it to the offline industrial and commercial department and contact the staff of the industrial and commercial department.
Secondly, after contacting the staff of the contractor’s department, they need to provide evidence of infringement.
Furthermore, after verification by the staff of the industrial and commercial department, if there is indeed an infringement, the responsible person needs to be held accountable.
Notes on reporting a catering trademark to the industrial and commercial department if it is used by others:
1. The infringed catering trademark needs to be provided.
2. Information about the infringer needs to be provided.
3. The infringer’s store address is required.