First, the origin of customized sports shoes
I believe many people are right? Custom sneakers? This word is relatively unfamiliar. In fact, at the beginning, customized sneakers were just shoes bought by some sneaker lovers through art reprocessing, which made the sneakers more distinctive than the original ones, thus attracting people's attention and achieving this trend. Shoe ring? It is very popular in it. But at the beginning, many sports shoes lovers went to the specialty store to buy genuine sports shoes, patterns, accessories and shoelaces on DIY. Some skilled people will take the shoes apart and put the elements and parts of different shoes together to form a new pair of shoes. But in general, at the beginning, these customized sneakers only circulated in a small circle and were not sold. At most, fans pay some hard money to find someone to help them change their shoes.
Second, why do customized sneakers constitute infringement?
However, with the continuous spread of customized sneaker culture, some people discovered the business opportunities inside and began to sell customized sneakers. Some vendors of these customized sneakers inherited the original customized sneaker culture, selling creativity, using genuine shoes and indicating relevant information. However, some unscrupulous businessmen use the name of customized sports shoes to reprocess some fake shoes and then sell them to others, thus making a profit. Even some people who go too far will boast their customized sneakers as genuine official sales, which will make many people deceived. The behavior of these unscrupulous businessmen has actually constituted infringement, so there is a saying that customized sneakers are infringement.
Generally speaking, custom-made sneakers are actually just ideas, and the starting point is also good. And those criminals who maliciously use the name of customized sneakers are the real infringement.