Current location - Trademark Inquiry Complete Network - Trademark registration - Does anyone have a Chinese and English contract for the integrated wiring project that I can learn from?
Does anyone have a Chinese and English contract for the integrated wiring project that I can learn from?

I wonder if you can’t write a contract or are you unfamiliar with the words?

The following is a comparison between Chinese and English of some words

A comparison between Chinese and English of integrated wiring nouns


A:Amplifier Amplifier



AA: Antenna amplifier Open line amplifier

AA: Architectural Acoustics Acoustics

AC: Analogue Controller Analogue Controller

ACD: Automatic Call Distribution Automatically distribute traffic

ACS: Access Control System

AD:Addressable Detector address detector

ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer

ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation

AF: Acoustic Feedback

AFR: Amplitude /Frequency Response

AGC: Automati Gain Control

AHU :Air Handling Unit air handling unit


AIS: Alarm Indication Signal Alarm indication signal

AITS: Acknowledged Information Transfer Service confirmation Operation

ALC: Automati Level Control Automatic balance control

ALS: Alarm Seconds Alarm seconds

ALU: Analogue Lines Unit Analog subscriber line unit

< p>AM:Administration Module management module

AN: Access Network access network

ANSI: American National Standards Institute American National Standards Institute

APS: Automatic Protectiontching Automatic protection switching

ASC: Automati Slope Control

ATH: Analogue Trunk Unit Analog trunk unit

ATM: Asynchrous Transfer Mode< /p>

AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification Management unit positive pointer adjustment

AU:Administration Unit management unit

AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU alarm indication Signal

AUG:Administration Unit Group Management Unit Group

AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU pointer is lost

AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification Admin negative pointer adjustment


ration Unit Pointer management unit pointer

AVCD: Auchio &Video Control Device audio and video control device

AWG: American Wire Gauge American cable specification

BA: Bridge Amplifier bridge AMP TOP

BAC:Building Automation & Control netBuilding Automation and Control Network

BAM:Background Administration ModuleBackground Management Module

BBER:Background Block Error Ratio Background block bit error ratio

BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB channel connection control

BD:Building Distributor

BEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities Building entrance facilities< /p>

BFOC: Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector large port fiber optic connector

BGN: Background Noise background noise

BGS: Background Sound

BIP-N: Bit Interleaved Parity N code Bit Interleaved Parity N-bit code

B-ISDN: Brand band ISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network

B-ISDN: Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network

BMC: Burst Mode Controller Burst Mode Controller

BMS: Building Management System Intelligent Building Management System

BRI: Basic Rate ISDN Basic rate integrated services digital network

BS: Base Station base station

BSC: Base Station Controller base station controller

BUL: Back up lighting backup lighting

C/S: Client/Server client/server TOP

C:Combines mixer

C:Container container

< p>CA:Call Accounting automatic billing system

CATV:Cable Television

CC:Call Control

CC:Coax cable Cable

CCD: Charge coupled devices

CCF: Cluster Contril Function cluster control function

CD: Campus Distributor building cluster distribution frame

CD: Combination detector Temperature and smoke combined detector

CDCA: Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign

CDDI: Copper Distributed Data Contract cable distribution Data interface

CDES: Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system Carbon dioxide system

CDMA: Code Division Multiplex Access Code Division Multiple Access

CF: Core Function


CFM: Compounded Frequency Modulation Frequent compression modulation

CIS: Call Information System Call Information System

CISPR: International Special Committee on Radio Interference< /p>

CLNP: Connectionless Network Protocol connectionless mode network layer protocol

CLP: Cell Loss Priority cell loss priority

CM: Communication Module communication module

CM:Configuration Management Configuration Management

CM: Cross-connect Matrix Cross-connect Matrix

CMI: Coded Mark Inversion

CMISE: Common Management Information Service common management information protocol service unit

CPE: Convergence protocol entity Convergence protocol entity

CR/E: card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader card reader/writer/ Encoder

CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRT: Cathode Ray Tabe display, monitor, cathode ray tube

CS: Convergence service Convergence service

CS:Cableron Spectrum old storage block technology

CS:Ceiling Screen smoke barrier

CS:Convergence Sublayer< /p>

CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet combination sound

CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work Computer supported collaborative work

CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second Continuous serious error seconds< /p>

CSF: Cell Site Function single base station function control

CTB: Composite Triple Beat compound triple beat

CTD: Cable Thermal Detector cable linear temperature detection

CTNR: carrier to noise ratio

CW: Control Word

Directional TOP


Distributive distributed

DAistribution Amplifier distribution amplifier

DBAatabase Administrator database manager

DBCS Natabase Control System Nucleus database control system core

DBOSatabase Organizing System Database Organization System

DBSSatabase Security System Database Security System

DCoor Contacts Door Sensor

DCCigital Communication Channel Digital Communication Channel

DCNata Communication Network

Data Communication Network

DCP-Iistributed Control Panel -Intelligent Intelligent Distributed Controller

DCSistributed Control System Distributed Control System

DDNigital Data Network Digital Data Network< /p>

DDSirect Dignital Controller direct digital controller

DDWata Describing Word data descriptor

DECTigital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication enhanced digital cordless communication

DFBistributed Feedback Distribution feedback

DIDirect Inward Dialing direct relay mode, incoming calls are directly dialed to extension users

DLCata Link Control Layer data link layer

DLIECT Line Interface


DODIirect Outward Dialing One Dial Tone


DRCirectional Response Cahracteristics Directive Response

DSirect Sound

< p>DSPigital signal Processing Digital Signal Processing

DSS: Deiision Support System Decision Support System

DTMFual Tone Multi-Frequency Dual Tone Multi-Frequency

DTSual -Technology Sensor Shuangjian sensor

DWDMense Wave-length Division Multiplexing Dense wavelength division multiplexing

DXCigital Cross-Connect digital cross-connect

E:Emergency lighting lighting equipment TOP< /p>



EA-DFB: Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback

ECC: Embedded Control Channel

EDFA: Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier

EDI: Electronic Data Interexchange

EIC :Electrical Impedance Characteristics Electrical impedance characteristics

EMC: Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty Electromagnetic compatibility

EMI: Electro Magnetic Interference Electromagnetic interference

EMS: Electromagnetic Sensitibility Electromagnetic susceptibility

EN:Equivalent Noise

EP:Emergency Power

ES:Emergency Sooket

ES:Evacuation Sigvial evacuation lighting

ESA:Error SecondA Error SecondA Error Second Type A

ESB:ErrorSecondB Error Second Type B

ESD:Electrostatic Discharge

Electrostatic discharge

ESR: Errored Second Ratio

ETDM: Electrical Time Division Multiplexing

ETSI: European Telecommunication Standards Institute European Telecommunications Standards Association

F:Filter filter TOP

FAB:Fire Alarm Bell fire alarm bell

FACU:Fire Alarm Control Unit fire automatic alarm control device


FC:Failure Count

FC:Frequency Converter

FCC:Fire Alarm System

FCS:Field Control System field bus

FCU: Favn Coil Unit fan coil unit

FD: Fire Door fire door

FD: Flame Detector flame detector

FD: Floor Distributor

FD: Frequency Dirsder

FDD: Frequency Division Dual Frequency Division Duplex

FDDI: Fiberdistributed Data Interface fiber Cable distributed data interface.

FDDIF: Fiber Distributed Data Inferface optical cable distribution data interface

FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access frequency division multiple access

FE: Fire Extirguisher fire elevator

FEBE:Far End Block Error

FEXT:Far End Crosstalk

FFES:Foam Fire Extionuishing System

FH: Fire hydrant

FI: Fee Indicator

FL: Focal Length

FL: Fuzzy Logic

FM: Failure Management Failure Management

FPA: Fire Public Address Fire Accident Broadcast

FPD: Fire Public Derice Fire Protection Facilities

FR: Frequency Response Frequency Ring

FRD: Fire Resis tamt Damper fire valve

FRS: fire resistant shutter fire shutter

FSK: Frequency Shift Keying

FSU:Fixed Subscriber Unit

FTHD:Fixed temperatute Heat Detector

FTP:Foil Tnisted Pair


FTTB: Fiber To The Building Fiber to the building

FTTC: Fiber To The Curb Fiber to the roadside

FTTH: Fiber To The Home Fiber to the home

FW:fire Wall firewall

FWHM: Full Width Half Maximum pulse half-height width

PACR: Attonation to Crosstalk Ratio attenuation and crosstalk ratio

GAP:Gaussian (filtered)Frequency Shift Keying TOP

GBS:Glass Break Sensors

GC:Generic Cabling

< p>GIB: Generic Information Block General Information Module

GNE: Gateway Network Element gateway

GSM: Global System for Mobile communications Global Mobile Communications System

H: Hybrid TOP

HCBS: High C Bus Servers Unit High-speed C Bus Servers Unit

HCS: Higher order Connection SupervisionHigh-order connection monitoring

HD: Heat Detecter Heat Detector

HDB3: High Density Bipolar of order 3code High Density Bipolar Code

HDLC: High Data Link Control Advanced Data Link Control

HDLC:High Digital Link Cont

rol Advanced Data Link Control

HDSL: High-bit -rate Digital Subscriber Link High-bit Digital Subscriber Link

HDTV: High Definition Television High Definition Television

< p>HEC:Header Ervor Control:Header error control domain

HEMS:High-level Entity Management systemAdvanced entity management system

HFC:Hybrid fiber coax fiber-coaxial cable hybrid System

HGRP: Home Optical Network Huawei company-specific protocol

HIFI: High Fidelity high fidelity

HIPPI: High Performance Parrallel Interface high performance parallel interface


HMP:Host monitoring protocol Host monitoring protocol

HOA:High Order Assembler High-order Assembler

HOAPID:High Order Path Access Point IdentifierHigh-order channel access cannot make ends meet Point Identifier

HOI: High Order Interface High Order Interface

HONET: Home Optical Network Huawei Integrated Service Access Network Trademark

HO-TCM: High Order Tandem Connection Monitor high order channel tandem connection monitoring

HOVC: High Order Virtual Container virtual container

HPA: High order path Adaptation high order adaptation

HPC: High order path ConnectionHigh-order path connection

HPOM:High -order Path Overhead MonitorHigh-order path overhead monitor

HPP:High-order path ProtectionHigh-order path protection

< p>HP-RDI:Higher order path -Remote Defect IndicationHigher order path reception defect indication

HP-REI:Higher order Path-Remote ErrorIndicationHigher order path remote error indication

HPT:High order path TerminationHigh order path terminal

HRDS:Hypothetical Reference Digital SectionHypothetical reference digital section

HSUT: High -order path Supervision Unequipped TerminationHigh order path monitoring Unequipped Termination Final

HVAC: Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning HVAC

HWS: Hot Water Supply hot water supply system

I hope it will be helpful to you if you pay a Chinese integrated wiring contract Helpful


Two 0 0 April one year


Integrated wiring , computer room decoration and digital monitoring project


Contract No.: ZHH-051 Date: April 2001

Party A: ***** *** Address:



Party B: Address:




In order to successfully complete the ******** comprehensive wiring, computer room decoration and network monitoring project. Clarify the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B based on the relevant national laws and regulations and the specific circumstances of this project. After consensus reached between Party A and Party B, the contract signed to undertake the comprehensive wiring, computer room decoration and network monitoring project of ******** is as follows:

1. Project Overview:

1 , Project name: ******** Integrated wiring, computer room decoration and network monitoring project construction project

2. Project location:

3. Project nature: *** *****Integrated wiring, computer room decoration and network monitoring project installation and construction.

4. Project scope: Cable laying, socket and distribution frame clamping and installation of the integrated wiring system; ceiling, wall skirts, door and window edging, and anti-static in the computer room Laying of floors, production and installation of grounding wires; installation and debugging of network monitoring systems.

5. Project scale: Based on the "******** Integrated Wiring, Computer Room Decoration and Network Monitoring Engineering Design Plan".

2. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party A and Party B

A. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party A

1. Party A shall communicate with Party B within the time specified in the contract. *** Also carry out supervision and acceptance of the project.

2. Party A should provide the power required for the system and facilitate construction.

3. Party A should coordinate the relationship between Party B and the construction party and other departments in a timely manner.

4. Party A shall pay Party B the project payment in a timely manner according to the time stipulated in the contract.

5. Appoint Party A’s representative to conscientiously fulfill the terms of the contract, handle project negotiations, and coordinate related matters in the project.

6. If the project is not accepted and Party A uses it in advance, Party A will be responsible for any quality or other problems that occur.

B. Responsibilities and obligations of Party B

1. Party B shall complete the wiring and equipment installation of the project in a timely manner according to the time stipulated in the contract.

2. Party B promptly sends engineering and technical personnel to enter the construction site with Party A ***, assist Party A to complete the on-site investigation of the construction site, and enter the construction site for construction.

3. Party B’s project content:

(1) Cable laying, equipment installation and system debugging.

(2) Documents provided include: integrated wiring system wiring table, point diagrams and line diagrams during construction of each system.

(3) Cooperate with Party A to produce as-built drawings.

4. Appoint Xie Ruihu as the representative of Party B, conscientiously perform the terms of the contract, handle project negotiations, and resolve relevant matters that should be resolved by Party B.

5. The warranty period of this project is one year.

If there are problems due to construction and installation within one year from the date of project installation, Party B will repair them free of charge. If problems occur due to force majeure or improper use by the user, Party B will provide paid services, and the service fees will be negotiated by both parties.

3. Project Progress

1. When the conditions for construction are met, Party A shall notify Party B in writing to enter the site for construction. The construction period shall be within 25 working days from the signing of the contract. Completed.

2. If the construction period is affected by force majeure and other factors, the construction period will be postponed.

IV. Project acceptance

1. Implement completion acceptance method.

2. After receiving Party B’s written application, Party A will arrange acceptance within 5 days. After the acceptance is passed, both parties will sign an acceptance certificate.

5. Total Contract Amount

The total amount of this contract is RMB: Yuan.

VI. Payment Terms

Within 5 days after the signing of the construction contract, Party A shall pay 30% of the equipment order price to Party B; 40% shall be paid within 3 days after the arrival of the network monitoring equipment; the system Within 5 days after the construction is completed and acceptance is passed, Party A will pay 25% of the payment to Party B, and the remaining amount will be paid in one lump sum after the system has been in normal operation for one year.

VII. Liability for breach of contract

1. Party A and Party B. If one party breaches the contract, the defaulting party will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national economic contract law.

2. Except for force majeure accidents, if one of Party A and Party B cancels the contract, it must pay the other party a liquidated damages of 30% of the total project amount.

8. Ways to resolve contract disputes

If there is a dispute during the execution of this contract, both parties shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If the matter cannot be resolved through negotiation, it shall be submitted to a contract arbitration agency for arbitration. If you are not satisfied with the arbitration, you may file a lawsuit with the People's Court.

9. Effectiveness of the contract and others

1. This contract is made in two original copies, each Party A and Party B shall hold one copy. It will become effective upon signature and seal; Party A has paid off the project price and Party B has completed the performance. The contract is terminated after warranty obligations.

2. The attachments to this contract have the same effect as this contract.

3. During the execution of this contract, all supplementary agreements have been negotiated and signed by Party A and Party B. They will take effect from the date of sealing and are an integral part of the contract.

1. If there are any unsettled matters in this contract, both parties will resolve them through friendly negotiation.

Party A: ********

Party B:



< p>Tel:




Account bank:

Account bank :

Account number:

Account number:

Legal representative:

Legal representative:

Signing location:< /p>

Signing date: April 2001