Trademark dilution refers to using words, graphics and combinations that are identical or similar to a well-known trademark on other different or dissimilar goods or services without the permission of the right holder, thereby reducing or weakening the trademark. Behavior that damages or tarnishes the recognition and distinctiveness of a well-known trademark and its goodwill. The joint trademark and defensive trademark systems are important systems for anti-dilution protection of trademarks. Trademark dilution is an infringement of trademark exclusive rights. Legal basis: Article 76 of the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" uses a mark that is identical or similar to another person's registered trademark as a trade name or product decoration on the same or similar goods to mislead the public. , which is an infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark as stipulated in Article 57, Paragraph 2 of the Trademark Law. Article 77 of the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Any person may complain or report any infringement of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark to the industrial and commercial administration department. Article 13, Paragraph 2, of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, if a trademark applied for registration for different or dissimilar goods is a copy, imitation or translation of another person's well-known trademark that has been registered in China, thereby misleading the public, resulting in the If the interests of the registrant of a well-known trademark may be harmed, the trademark shall not be registered and its use shall be prohibited. Article 41, Paragraph 2 of the Trademark Law stipulates that if a registered trademark violates Articles 13 and 31 of this Law, the trademark owner may apply for cancellation within 5 years from the date of trademark registration. The owner of a well-known trademark registered in bad faith shall Not subject to a 5-year time limit.