Pay attention to these aspects:
1. Food name. The food name should truly reflect the attributes of the food and be marked in a prominent position on the food label. Otherwise, the food label may be judged to be unqualified.
2. Ingredients list. The list of ingredients should be titled "Ingredients" or "Ingredients List", and the various ingredients in the ingredients list should be arranged in descending order of the amounts added during manufacturing or processing.
3. Net content and drained matter (solid matter) content. The net content of food should be marked according to the legal measurement unit (liter/ml, g/kg).
4. Country of origin and name and address of distributor. Imported prepackaged foods should be marked with the name of the country or region of the country of origin (referring to Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), as well as the name and address of the agent, importer or distributor registered in accordance with the law in my country.
5. Date marking and storage instructions. The production date (or packaging date) and shelf life should be clearly marked, and no additional stickers, reprints or tampering are allowed. The dates should be marked in the order of year, month and day.