Hello, the triangle belt belongs to the trademark category Class 10 Medical Devices (Orthopedic Supplies).
Similar groups of Class 10 triangle belt trademarks include:
Abdominal belt 100001
Lower abdominal support belt 100002
Tight abdominal belt Waistband 100003
Corset 100003
Support bandage 100020
Joint bandage (anatomy) 100020
Support bandage 100020
Gypsum splint (surgical) 100021
Bandage (elastic) 100022
Orthopedic articles 100038
Arch braces for boots and shoes Pad 100040
Corset 100041
Orthopedic belt 100047
Orthopedic shoes 100051
Orthopedic shoes (shoes) 100051
< p>Crutch head for the disabled 100126Flat foot corrector 100146
Flat foot pad 100146
Sling bandage 100148
Suspension bandage 100148
Surgical rubber stockings 100165
Elastic stockings (surgical) 100165
Varicose vein stockings 100166
Crutches 100168
Orthopedic shoe (socks) soles 100171
(Orthopedic) soles 100171
Medical corset 100183
Knee bandage (orthopedic) 100193
Knee bandage (orthopedic) 100193
Orthopedic plaster bandage (molded product) 100206
Note: support bandage, joint Bandages (anatomical), support bandages, bandages (elastic), sling bandages, suspension bandages, knee bandages (orthopedic), orthopedic plaster bandages (molded products) and 0506 bandages, surgical shoulder bandages, sanitary bandages, dressing bandages similar.