Annotations and examples are as follows:
1.handmade ==== made by hand or a hand process; (handmade);
◆It's handmade by our now deceased grandmother, it was hand-sewn by our now deceased grandmother.
2 secondhand ==== derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand (old, second-hand);
◆I bought a secondhand car last month. I bought a secondhand car last month. I bought a second-hand car.
3 baggy ==== not fitting closely; hanging loosely;
◆Make it baggy style, please. Please make it baggy style.
4 brand name ==== the logo or name of a brand (trademark, brand);
◆Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name. Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name. Products under the trade name.
5 trendy ==== in accord with the latest fad; (trendy person, fashionably dressed person)
◆Pageboy was quite trendy on campus years ago. Short hair a few years ago It was all the rage on campus.
6 stylish ==== being or in accordance with current social fashions; (fashionable; modern style; chic; fashionable);
◆He is a stylish dresser . He is a very fashionable person.
7 revealing ==== showing or making known;
◆Her dress was scanty and revealing. Her dress was scanty and revealing.
◆ A rather revealing dress.
8 hand-me-downs ==== outgrown garment passed down from one person to another; (old clothes , cheap goods)
◆I don't want your old hand-me-downs! I don't want your old hand-me-downs!
9 formal occasions ==== the time of a particular event that being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (formal occasions)
◆She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions. She prefers wearing high heels on formal occasions.
◎The above has provided you with Chinese and English comparisons, so it should be very clear.
(The original spelling of terndy was wrong)
■The definition and example sentences of "revealing" have been revised.