The so-called blind spot generally refers to the time difference between the data update of the Trademark Office’s official website and professional database used for trademark query and the data update used by the Trademark Office for review. The former lags behind the latter, so when the agency inquires, it cannot find the previous applications that have not been updated, which is called a blind spot.
The blind spot usually lasts from three months to six months. Therefore, the 100% success rate mentioned in the market is not true, and the reason is this.
It should be noted that trademark search is a complex business, and it is by no means a simple matter of inputting the trademark logo to be registered into the system to obtain accurate results. When the Trademark Office examines trademarks, it must make complex judgments and comprehensively determine whether two trademarks are identical or similar by splitting, combining, etc.
Thus, for cautious agencies with advanced query methods, the blind spot is three to six months. For people who make hasty inquiries and simple processing, the blind spot is not only the concept of time, but also due to inadequate query methods, leaving a wide range of blind spots.
Trademark application and trademark search are actually complex businesses. Hope this can help you.