Is the graphic trademark of great value? How to buy a trademark of pure graphics?
Then we will recommend you to go directly to the trademark agency platform to buy the successfully registered graphic trademark. The design standards of graphic trademarks are strict and difficult, so the transfer price of graphic trademarks is relatively high. However, the trademarks approved by the Trademark Office are officially recognized, so don't worry about the lack of graphic recognition and the difficulty in remembering.
When choosing a trademark agency platform for graphic trademarks, we must be cautious and pay attention to those institutions approved by the state, such as Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Transfer Platform, which has rich public relations relations with Beijing authorities such as the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board.
What is the process if you enter the purchase of graphic trademarks through the trademark transfer platform?
First of all, buyers can communicate with trademark consultants to clarify their needs. The consultant will recommend good trademarks for buyers to choose from. After negotiating the price, the buyer can make the next transfer after confirming his intention.
Then the buyer needs to prepare the transfer information, such as business license, personal ID card and so on.
Then the platform will integrate and check the data, and submit the data of both parties to the Trademark Office for acceptance and review.
Trademark transfer is indeed an ideal form to obtain a registered graphic trademark. If you need high-quality graphic trademarks, welcome to visit.