It is not the same thing. A trademark is text, graphics, pinyin or a combination of the above, while a logo is just a graphic, which is part of the trademark.
1. As a work of art, a logo does not need to be registered like a trademark. However, if a logo does not apply for a copyright patent, it will not be protected by law.
2. The ownership rights of logos and trademarks are different. If the logo is not agreed upon, the ownership rights may belong to the client or the designer, while the ownership rights of trademarks must belong to the applicant of the trademark.
3. Under the premise that both trademarks and logos are protected by law, the protection period is different. As a work of art, a logo is generally 50 years, while a trademark can be extended indefinitely as long as it is renewed.
4. The laws that protect trademarks and logos are different. Trademarks are protected by trademark law, while logos are protected by copyright law, which determines the scope of their protection.