According to Article 57 of the Trademark Law: If the same or similar trademark is used on the same or similar goods designated by the trademark involved without the permission of the trademark registrant, it constitutes trademark infringement and requires liability for compensation. Although only more than 30 copies were sold, it still constitutes trademark infringement and requires liability for compensation.
National trademark regulations: If the liability for compensation has a gradient, the first claim will be based on the profits gained from the infringement, the second claim will be based on the losses of the other party, the third claim will be based on the multiple of the trademark license, and finally, if the above situation is unclear, the claim will be made by The court has discretion below 3 million.
Under normal circumstances, the amount of compensation for the other party’s right to sue will be too high. If the settlement is final, it is expected to be around 20,000.
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Hope it can help you!