(2) A trademark registrant may not change the words, figures or their combinations of a registered trademark by himself; The name, address or other registered items of the registrant of a registered trademark shall not be changed without authorization.
(3) It is an illegal act for a trademark registrant to use its registered trademark beyond the scope of goods or services approved for use in the Trademark Registration Certificate, and to indicate the registration mark.
(4) Where a registered trademark is assigned, the assignor and the assignee shall sign an assignment agreement and file an application with the Trademark Office. The transferee shall guarantee the quality of the goods using the registered trademark.
(5) The trademark registrant has the obligation to use the registered trademark. If a registered trademark ceases to be used for three consecutive years without justifiable reasons from the date of approval, the trademark may be revoked according to law.
(6) A trademark registrant shall prevent its registered trademark from becoming a generic name. A registered trademark becomes the common name of the goods it has approved for use, and any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark.
(7) A trademark registrant may authorize others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark license contract. The licensor shall, within the validity period of the license contract, file with the Trademark Office and submit the filing materials, which shall be announced by the Trademark Office. A trademark license may not be used against a bona fide third party without filing.
(8) The licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods using the registered trademark, and must indicate the name of the licensee and the place of origin of the goods on the goods using the registered trademark.
(9) Where the pledge is made with a registered trademark right, the pledger and the pledgee shall sign a written pledge contract and * * * apply to the Trademark Office for pledge registration, which shall make an announcement.