Many novice sellers on Taobao do not have factories or stable supply. 90% of merchants will choose to get goods from 1688. The prices of goods here are relatively cheap. So does it cost money to be a merchant on Taobao? I believe it is. Many sellers want to know this question, so I will introduce it to you below.
It’s free, no money required. However, entering the Taohuoyuan channel should meet all the following conditions:
1) You must be an Integrity Pass member of Alibaba China Station;
2) Your main industry must be: Clothing, sports and outdoor, daily necessities, beauty and daily chemicals, home decoration and home textiles, digital home appliances, food, children's clothing and maternal and infant clothing;
3) You must join the buyer protection service;
4) You need to have enabled 48 or 72-hour delivery;
5) Other conditions that Alibaba deems necessary.
Does it cost money to join Taohuoyuan merchants?
2. Taobao merchants need to submit the required documents to prove their qualifications according to Alibaba’s requirements, such as business license, production license, and trademark registration. If a Taobao merchant cannot provide the documents proving qualifications required by Alibaba, the platform has the right to reject the merchant's application.
What rights can you get by joining Taohaoyuan?
1. If you want to join Taohaoyuan---you need to have an exclusive logo of Taohaoyuan to make you stand out among many peers.
a. Exclusive member business card logo;
b. Exclusive Want Want chat window logo;
2. Massive exposure? More accurate Taobao seller traffic, enjoy More product and store exposure opportunities.
3. The latest activity? Provide various types of marketing support to merchants.
a. Join the platform promotion plan;
b. Monthly large-scale joint marketing activities;
c. Store independent marketing activity support.
If you want to join Taohuoyuan, you must meet the above conditions, but there is one thing I can tell you clearly, that is, this is free and free of charge! If so If you have any questions, please consult a professional to provide high-quality operational services to all merchants. ,,,Service