How much does it cost to apply for brand trademark registration? To apply for trademark registration for a brand, you need to submit a trademark registration application and other application materials to the Trademark Office and pay the registration fee. How much does it cost to apply for brand trademark registration? ? Brand trademark registration application fee How much does it cost to apply for brand trademark registration? 1. Trademark registration fee: 300 yuan (limited to 10 products in this category. For more than 10 products, for each product exceeding 1, an additional 30 yuan will be charged for each product). 2. Acceptance of collective trademark registration fee: 1,500 yuan 3. Acceptance of certification trademark registration fee: 1,500 yuan 4. Reissue of trademark registration certificate fee: 500 yuan including the cost of publishing a loss statement 5. Acceptance of transfer of registered trademark fee: 500 yuan 6. Acceptance Trademark renewal registration fee: 1,000 yuan 7. Delay fee for accepting renewal registration: 250 yuan 8. Trademark review fee for accepting: 750 yuan 9. Trademark objection fee: 500 yuan 10. Change fee: 250 yuan 11. Fee for issuing trademark certification: 50 yuan 12. Trademark cancellation fee: 500 yuan 13. Trademark license contract filing fee: 150 yuan