1. Trademark search fee:
Before trademark registration, it is suggested to search and evaluate the trademark to determine whether the trademark conflicts with the existing trademark. The cost of trademark search depends on the scope and depth of the search, usually between several hundred and several thousand dollars.
2. Trademark registration application fee:
The application fee for trademark registration is the fee that should be paid when submitting an application for trademark registration, which is used to process and examine the application. The cost varies according to the regulations of the host country or region, generally ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars.
3. Trademark registration fee:
The trademark registration fee is the fee that needs to be paid when the trademark application passes the examination and the registration certificate is issued. The cost varies according to the regulations of the host country or region, generally ranging from several hundred to several thousand dollars.
4. Agency fee:
If you choose to entrust a trademark agency or law firm for trademark registration, you need to pay the agency fee. The agency fee depends on the experience and service scope of the agency, which can be a one-time fee or a fee based on workload.
Please note that the above fees are for general reference only, and the actual fees may vary according to the requirements of countries, regions, trademark types and agencies. Before trademark registration, it is recommended that you consult a professional trademark agency or law firm to obtain accurate cost evaluation and specific requirements.
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