Trademark registration process
1. Check the name and style of the trademark, and exclude the same or similar trademarks that already have the same or similar trademark graphics in the category (very professional)
2. Determine the trademark name and style
3. Prepare the materials
4. Submit the materials. The Trademark Office will issue a national acceptance notice 15-30 days after receiving the application materials. .
5. Wait for the Trademark Office to conduct a substantive review of your trademark
6. Pass the preliminary review and enter the 3-month announcement period.
7. If no objection occurs during the announcement period, it will automatically enter the one-month approval announcement period.
8. The certificate will be issued upon expiration of the approval announcement. You will usually get it about one month after the approval announcement.
Information required for trademark registration
Company application: 1. Copy of "Business License", two copies each;
2. Trademark drawing, each 10 servings. The length and width should be no more than 10cm and no less than 5cm. Submit 10 copies of the coloring pattern in the designated color, and attach a copy of the black and white ink draft. The pattern should be clear and clean;
3. Trademark agency power of attorney (provided by the agency), 2 pieces each;
4. When applying for registration of a drug trademark, two copies of the "Pharmaceutical Production Enterprise License" or "Pharmaceutical Business License" issued by the provincial (autonomous region, municipality) health department or bureau shall be attached;
5. When applying for registration of trademarks for cigarettes, cigars and packaged cut tobacco, two copies of the documents proving production approval by the national tobacco authority shall be attached;
6. Foreign enterprises or individuals applying in China To register a trademark, a copy of a valid registration certificate or ID card is required.
Individual application: 1. Copy of individual industrial and commercial household, copy of personal ID card, other information is the same as company application.