Current location - Trademark Inquiry Complete Network - Trademark registration - Collection of suffix names on computer
Collection of suffix names on computer
A object code base file

AAM Authorware shocked file

AAS Authorware shocked package

ABF Adobe binary screen font

ABK CorelDRAW automatic backup file

ABS This kind of file is sometimes used to indicate an abstract (just like an excerpt from an article about science. Key or summary, Taken from abstract)

ACE Ace compressed file format

ACL CorelDRAW 6 keyboard shortcut file

ACM Windows system directory file

ACP Microsoft office assistant preview file

ACR American College of Radiological Medicine file format

ACT Microsoft office assistant. The driver of the file

ACV OS/2, which is used to compress or decompress audio data

ADA After Dark screen saver

ADA Ada source file (non -GNAT)

ADB Ada source file body (GNAT); HP1LX organizer's appointment database

ADD OS/2 adapter driver for boot process

ADF Amiga disk file

ADI AutoCAD device-independent binary plotter format

ADM After Dark multi-module screen saver; Windows NT policy template

ADP FaxWork is used for interactive installation files in fax modem; Astound Dynamite file

ADR After Dark random screen saver; Smart Address's address book

ADS Ada source file specification (GNAT)

AFM Adobe's font size

AF2, AF3 ABC's FlowChat file

AI Adobe Illustrator format graphics

AIF, AIFF audio interchange file, Sound format of Silicon Graphic and Macintosh application

AIFC compresses AIF

AIM AOL instant messaging

AIS ACDSee graphic sequence file; Velvet Studio equipment files

ALL A- keywords in the help project of p>AKW RoboHELP

ALAW European telephone audio format

Albujasc Image Commander photo album

All Art and Letters Library

AMS Velvet Studio music module (MOD) files; The Tracker module file of Extreme

the palette file of p>ANC Canon Computer. Contains a series of optional color swatches

animation cursor in p>ANI Windows system

ANS ANSI text file

game file saved in p>ANT SimAnt For Windows

application programming interface file used by p>API Adobe Acrobat

APR Lotus Approach 97 file

BI. N binary file

BK, BK$ is sometimes used to represent the backup version

BKS IBM BookManager Read bookshelf file

BMK bookmark file

BMP Windows or OS/ 2 bitmap file

BMI Apogee BioMenace data file

BOOK Adobe FrameMaker Book file

mailbox file of p>BOX Lotus Notes

BPL Borlard Delph 4 packaging library

BQY BrioQuery file

BRX is used to view multimedia objects. Directory file

BSC MS Developer Studio browser information file

BSP Quake graphic file

BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file

BS_ Microsoft Bookshelf Find menu shell extension

batch file used by p>BTM Norton application.

BUD Quicken's backup disk

BUN CakeWalk sound bundle file (a MIDI program)

BW SGI black-and-white image file

BWV commercial waveform file

movie file format of byubyu

B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file

C C code file

Cl typhoon waveform file

CAB Microsoft compressed archive file

Drafix CAD file of p>CAD Softdek

CAL CALS compressed bitmap; Calendar schedule data

CAM Casio camera format

CAP compressed music file format

ASCⅡ II file separated by p>CAS comma

IntellCharge classification file used by p>CAT Quicken

CB Microsoft clean boot file

CBI binary volume format file (for IBM mainframe system).

CC Visual dBASE user-defined class file

CCA cc: mail file

CCB Visual Basic dynamic button profile

CCF multimedia viewer profile, For OS/ 2

CCH Corel chart file

CCM Lotus cc: mailbox (e.g. "inbox.ccm")

CCO Cyberchat data file

CCT Macromedia Director Shock Wave projection

CDA CD audio track

CDF Microsoft channel definition format file.

CDI Philip's high-density interactive format

CDM Visual dBASE custom data module file

CDR CorelDRAW drawing file; Original audio CD data file

CDT CorelDRAW template

CDX CorelDRAW compressed drawing file; Microsoft Visual FoxPro index file

CEL CIMFast event language file

CER certificate file (MIMEX-X59-CA-CERT)

CFB Compton multimedia file

CFG configuration file

CFMCott fusion template file; Visual dBASE Windows user-defined form

CGI public * * * gateway interface script file

CGM computer graphics metafile

CH OS/2 configuration file

CHK file fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or Disk Scan

CHM compiled HTML file

CHR character set (font file)

CHP Ventura Publisher chapter file

. Harvard Graphics vector file

CIF Adaptec CD creator CD image file

CIL Clip Gallery download package

CIM SimCity 2 file

CIN OS/2 change control file is used to track changes in INI file

CK1 iD/ Apogee Commander Keen 1 data file

CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data file

CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data file

CK4 iD/ Apogee Commander Keen 4 data file

CK5 iD /Apogee Commander Keen 5 data file

CK6 iD/ Apogee Commander Keen 6 data file

CLASS Java class file

CLL Crick Software Clicker file

CLP Windows clipboard file

CLS Visual Basic class file

CMD Windows NT, command file of OS/2; DOS CD/M command file; DBASEⅡ program file

CMF Corel metafile

game file saved by p>CMG Chessmaster

CMP JPEG bitmap file; Address document

CMV Corel Move animation file

CMX Corel Presentation Exchange image

CNF Telnet, Configuration files used by Windows and other applications whose internal formats will change

CNM Windows application menu options and installation files

CNQ Compuworks Design Shop files

CNT Windows (or other) systems are used to help index or other purpose content files

COB TrueSpace 2 object files.

displayable machine code/assembly code file generated by p>COD Microsoft C compiler, with source c code as comments

COM command file (program)

CPD, CPE fax overlay document

CPI Microsoft MS-DOS code page information file

CPL control panel extension, Corel color board

CPO Corel print storage file

CPP C++ code file

CPR Corel provides instruction file

CPT Corel photo-painting image

CPX Corel Presentation Exchange compressed graphics file

CRD Windows Cardfile file

CRP Corel provides runtime introduction file; Visual dBASE custom report file

CRT authentication file

CSC Corel script file

CSP PC Emcee On_Screen image

CSS waterfall form file

CST Macromedia Director Cast file

CSV comma-separated value file

CT Scitex CT bitmap file; Paint Shop Pro Grapic editor file

CTL is usually used to represent a file containing control information; FaxWork uses it to keep information about each fax received or sent

CUE Microsoft signboard data file

CUR Windows cursor file

CUT Dr Halo bitmap file

CV Corel version file; Microsoft CodeView information screen file

CWK ClarisWorks data file.

CWS ClarisWorks module

CXT Macromedia Director protected (uneditable) projection file

CXX C++ source code file

DAT data file; WrodPerfect merges data files; Paradox 7 table for some MPEG format files

DB Borland

DBC Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container file

DBF dBASE file, a format created by Ashton-Tate, can be used by ACT! , Lipper, FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, Xbase and similar databases or product identification related to databases; Available data files (which can be opened by Excel 97); Oracle 8.1.x tablespace file

dbx Databorn image; Microsoft Visual FoxPro form file

DCM module format file

DCR shock wave file

DCS desktop color separation file

DCT Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container

DCU Delphi compilation unit file

DCX Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; Fax image based on PCX; Macro

DC5 DataCAD drawing file

DDF Btrieve or Xtrieve data definition file, which contains metadata used to describe Btrieve or Xtrieve files

DDIF Digital Equipment or Compaq format, and is used to save their images and word processing documents

Def Smartware II data file; C++ module definition file

DEFI Oracle 7 uninstall script file

DEM file used to represent USGS benchmark of digital height model

DER authentication file

DEWF Macintosh Sound Cap/ Sound Edit recording device format

DGN Macintosh 95 CAD drawing file

DIB device-independent bitmap

DIC directory

DIF spreadsheet with data interchange

DIG DigiLink format; Sound Des