The authenticity of Niulanshan can be identified from the appearance, packaging, bottle quality and wine taste. The identification method is as follows:
1. The bottle cap is changed to a bulging wheat head, which has a strong concave and convex feeling. Currently the best-selling aged wine in Niulanshan, this kind of wine has the most fake wines. To prevent counterfeiting, Niulanshan has changed its packaging many times. In the past, due to the availability of fake products and the simplicity of the process, the discoloration of the bottle cap head caused by fire was no longer effective.
The mouth of the bottle is changed to a bulge, which has a strong concave and convex feeling. The bottom edge of the bottle cap is smooth and close to the bottle body without burrs. A lot of the fakes are real bottles and fake hats, so we mainly start with the hats.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ 5f4edab64034f1a0b?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/d01373f082025aaf038e71b5f4edab64034f1a0b"/>
2. Shine purple light on the front of the aged wine on the label , you will find a gray-blue cow head under the three words Niulanshan. For real Niulanshan wine, the back of the label on the bottle is the side in contact with the bottle body and has natural irregular lines formed by mechanical processing.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ 88d6277f9e2ff82f?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/4bed2e738bd4b31c4e9d9bc588d6277f9e2ff82f"/>
3. Check the anti-counterfeiting code label on the box . The words "Code Anti-Counterfeiting" will change color after baking. The phone number on the security code is 4008822315 or 8008303315, which is true.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ 216fdfaae5167d1?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/e4dde71190ef76c6e528f4559216fdfaae5167d1"/>
4. Outer box and sealing box tape certificate. Because the so-called "high imitation" leather suitcases are really recycled. So we usually use tape and certificate to identify. The logo and winery name on the fake tape were blurry, faded, and rigid.
We can see this problem at a glance. The font on the certificate is the same problem. The printing is rough. Use your mobile phone to take photos for identification.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ ad34588281e9?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/b17eca8065380cd7b1fcad93ae44ad34588281e9"/>
1 , Niulanshan Erguotou has 36 degrees, 42 degrees, 45 degrees, 46 degrees, 52 degrees, 53 degrees, 56 degrees, 60 degrees, 65 degrees, etc. There are no other degrees on the market.
2. Niulanshan Erguotou is a strong-flavor liquor.