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Bank card business:
ICBC is the largest credit card issuer in China and one of the issuers with the most complete range of credit card brands. New products such as Euro Credit Card, Peony Express Business Card, Peony UnionPay Card, Peony Sports Card, and new version of Peony Transportation Card have been launched successively; the establishment of channels such as business outlet service system and VIP customer service center has been promoted; the Bank has actively selected overseas institutions to issue cards as agents, and further strengthened cooperation with Cooperation with international card organizations.
At the end of 2007, the number of credit cards issued was 23.38 million, with a consumption amount of 161.9 billion yuan, and it continued to maintain its leading market position in both card issuance volume and consumption amount. The credit card overdraft balance was 8.241 billion yuan, an increase of 59.5%.
As of the end of 2009, the number of ICBC credit cards issued exceeded 52 million, an increase of nearly 13 million in one year, an increase of 33%. It not only continues to be the number one credit card issuing bank in China, but also Within one year, it surpassed three world-class credit card giants including Discover, American Express and Capital One, achieving a perfect "triple jump" and becoming the fourth largest credit card issuer in the world after JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup.
Establish a personal financial service model with a debit card as the platform; rely on the advantages of one card for multiple accounts and one card with multiple functions of the Peony Money Link Card to strengthen the integration of marketing channels; give full play to the payment and settlement role of the Peony Money Link Card to divert traffic Cabinet pressure. At the end of 2007, the number of debit cards issued was 187 million, an increase of 8.58 million, and the annual consumption volume was 454.3 billion yuan, an increase of 71.4%.