Generally refers to the nine categories, but it usually also includes 35, 38, 41, 42 and other trademark categories related to the specific industry you want to engage in. The significance of trademark registration is protection. If the economy allows, the more the better. At the very least, the directly related categories must be protected and registered. If you don't understand, it's best to consult a professional company and seek professional advice. Some money cannot be saved, let professionals do professional things.
Roughly speaking, we can divide APP registered trademarks into three types, that is, registering the APP pattern as a trademark, or registering the APP name as a trademark, and registering both the APP pattern and name as a combined trademark. . When it comes to the selection of registered trademark categories for APPs, merchants need to select and register the corresponding categories based on the specific services provided by the APP.
For example, as we are familiar with and know, software apps such as Tmall and provide platform retail services, so they should register Class 35 trademarks; and game-type apps such as King of Glory, mainly It provides entertainment and game services, but it should try to register the 41st trademark category; for apps like that mainly provide dating and dating services, it should try to register the 45th trademark category, etc. But in addition to these, merchants should also pay attention to the fact that APP, as a software developed product, is available for people to download, install and use, and it also has its own category. For example, the 9th category of computer software trademarks, the 35th category of advertising and promotion trade trademarks, the 38th category of communications media and other service categories, the 42nd category of technical services, etc.
For more specific and detailed trademark category registration, merchants can learn from consulting agencies and Trademark Office staff. After the merchant determines everything, he or she can entrust an agency to follow the standard procedures for trademark registration. Whether or not they can obtain authorization and certificate is another matter for trademark registration. The above is the content about app registered trademarks compiled by the editor. For more questions about agricultural product trademark registration, please feel free to consult the customer service staff of