A pile of cards facing down is a pile of cards that the player wants to touch.
A discard pile is a pile of cards that have been played and used, with their faces up.
Decision-making areas:
A player's turn is divided into six stages, starting-judging-touching cards-playing cards-discarding cards-ending.
Judgment area: A player's card area has three areas, namely, equipment removal area, hand area and judgment area. The cards in the three areas are all players' own, so there is no need to explain the equipment and hand areas. The judgment area is the area where the delay prompt is placed (do you know what the delay prompt is? I don't know? Delayed tips are tips that cannot take effect immediately and need to be judged to decide whether to take effect or not, which generally include: lightning, too happy, too embarrassed, etc. ). These delayed prompts must be judged to decide whether they will take effect, so players must put them in the judgment area during the game, and each player must judge the prompts placed in his judgment area in the second stage of his turn to decide whether he is affected by the prompt effect.
Many theories are too confusing. Let's give an example:
Character: Zhuge Liang
Scene: Zhuge Liang placed "lightning" in his judgment area in the last round, and Zhuge Liang went home to announce "crossing", and the round of going home ended.
At this time, Zhuge entered the first stage of his transition: the beginning stage of the transition. Note that Zhuge can trigger a skill at the beginning of the turn, stargazing:
At the beginning of the turn, you can watch the X cards at the top of the pile (X is the number of surviving characters, up to 5), put the cards at the top of the pile in order of meaning, and put the rest at the bottom of the pile in order of meaning.
Zhuge began his stargazing skills. Zhuge touched X cards from the top of the stack (generally speaking, when we talk about the top and bottom of the stack, we all mean the top and bottom of the stack, unless otherwise specified), and saw that one card was 7 of hearts, and the others were 2-9 of spades, that is to say, all other cards would be struck by lightning. At this time, put the heart card on the top, and the other cards are placed at will. Then the stargazing ended, and the beginning stage of Zhuge Liang's round ended, entering the second stage-the judgment stage.
At the beginning of the trial stage, it was found that there was a trick to be tried in Zhuge trial area: lightning. So Zhuge had to touch a judgment card from the top of the pile to judge lightning. Zhuge flashed the judgment card from the top of the deck (it must be the 7 of hearts just released), and the lightning judgment was invalid. Because there are no tricks to judge in Zhuge's judgment area, the judgment stage is over. Enter the stage of Zhuge touching cards, then play cards at a time, discard cards, and the round is over.