Auto parts: including exterior decoration parts, interior decoration parts, drivers, oil circuits, circuits and braking systems, such as car shell, doors, nets, front and rear bumpers, headlights, fenders, interior trim panels, car seats, engines, gearboxes, hubs, oil tanks, oil pumps, oil pipes, radiators and computer boards. These are all necessary things for a car; Auto parts and auto parts are also different, including car perfume, navigation facilities, interior decoration and so on.
Precautions for replacing parts: Please refer to the maintenance manual to replace parts. Pay attention to the specifications and strength of the screws, and tighten the screws after assembly. Pay attention to the assembly sequence and cleanliness. Pay attention to whether the trademark identification of the accessories is complete, whether the outer packaging is intact, and whether the handwriting on the box is clear. Pay attention to the quality of parts, and carefully check the parts for rust spots, cracks and deformation defects before use. When replacing the gears, double-row sleeve roller chains and master and slave sprockets in the transmission box, they should be replaced in pairs. When replacing the cylinder liner, the piston and piston ring should be replaced at the same time. Million car purchase subsidy