The trademark applied for by the legal representative of our company in his personal name, the application number is 5343947. The application was applied on May 12, 2006. After a long review period of nearly 5 years, it was not approved until February 22, 2010. We received a partial rejection notice. After receiving it, our company submitted the review materials within the validity period. Your office has received the trademark review materials on March 11, 2010. I wonder how long it will take to receive the results of the review? What is the current status? The time it has taken since the application of this trademark is too long. We have indeed encountered a lot of infringements during our operations, but we were unable to protect ourselves.
My trademark has been rejected and I want to review it. How long will it take to know the result after submitting the review materials?
The current review cycle for rejection review is about 12 months.
Bajie Trademark Trading Network provides trademark transfer services. Purchasing trademarks saves time on trademark registration and trademark review