Legal analysis: A trademark certificate is a legal document issued by the State Trademark Office to a trademark registrant in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China to prove the scope of its trademark exclusive rights. The main contents recorded on the trademark certificate include the trademark, the trademark registration number, the name and address of the trademark registrant, the goods or services approved for use by the registered trademark and their categories, and the start and end dates of the exclusive right to use the trademark. If the trademark certificate is lost or damaged, the trademark registrant should apply for a reissue of the trademark certificate to the Trademark Office and apply for a reissue in a timely manner.
Legal basis: Article 23 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" If a registered trademark needs to obtain the exclusive right to use the trademark on goods beyond the approved scope of use, a separate application for registration shall be submitted.