The approved trademark has the exclusive trademark right, that is, the trademark belongs to the trademark registrant, which is the most obvious trademark right. In addition to this right, the registrant actually has the right to use the trademark. This right is mainly to put this trademark into the market, and there is nothing unique about it. In short, it is the freedom to use this trademark at any time.
Of course, the approval of the trademark brings the exclusive right to use the trademark, that is to say, only the registrant and the users allowed by the registrant can use the watch, and other enterprises cannot use the approved trademark without permission. This has to talk about trademark licensing, that is, allowing others to use the trademark of the enterprise, but it must be explained by signing relevant contracts.
There are also some rights, such as trademark prohibition right, trademark transfer right, trademark pledge right, etc., which are only enjoyed after the trademark is approved, which is why the trademark is often told to register when it is used to protect the enterprise's power in the market from infringement. At the same time, trademark registrants naturally have to undertake some obligations, such as market monitoring and licensing, to help ensure quality.