Improper use of other people's rights means that the user commits the following acts, and two points will be deducted each time:
The seller improperly uses other people's trademark rights,
copyright rights and other rights in the published commodity information or the used store name and
domain name;
The seller sells goods on suspicion of improper use of other people's trademark rights, copyrights, patents and other rights;
The commodity information released by the seller or other information used by the seller causes confusion, misunderstanding or unfair competition among consumers.
a complaint made by the same obligee to the same seller within three days is regarded as a complaint.
Interpretation of the rules:
Improper use of other people's rights
What rights do you mean by improper use of others?
refers to trademark infringement other than counterfeiting, copyright infringement other than piracy and patent infringement.
A complaint made by the same obligee against the same seller within three days is regarded as a complaint
because it takes time to handle complaints and the seller's rectification, Taobao regards all the complaints filed by the same obligee about the same seller within three days as a complaint, and the complaints after this period will be regarded as a supplement to the previous complaints, not as a complaint again. The purpose of this regulation is to encourage complainants to list all the infringement information in the complained seller's shop at one time, so as to improve the efficiency of complaint handling. III. What is
The seller improperly uses other people's trademark rights, copyrights and other rights
in the published commodity information or the store name and domain name used"? Give examples.
using other people's trademarks (including word mark, graphic trademarks, etc.) or making
products (written works, graphic works) in commodity information, store names and domain names without the permission of others.
for example, using other people's trademarks in the name of a store without their permission.