After successful registration, the trademark is valid for ten years, and it is not protected by law if it is not renewed after expiration. The Trademark Law stipulates that a registered trademark is valid for ten years. After the expiration of the validity period, if the applicant wants to continue to use the trademark, he shall apply for renewal within 12 months before the expiration. Failing to apply within this time limit, a grace period of 6 months may be granted. If no application is made at the expiration of the exhibition, the trademark will be cancelled. Therefore, it is suggested to pay attention to five problems: malicious cybersquatting, reduction to generic name, change of trademark information, cancellation and renewal of trademark. We should use trademarks in a reasonable and standardized way, and don't let our hard-earned trademarks be revoked because of our negligence.
The content of this article comes from: China Law Publishing House "The All-knowing Series of Common Sense of Legal Life".