Diary, what category does the camera belong to?
Stationery and diaries belong to Group 1611, Category 16 of the trademark classification. According to the statistics of signpost network, there are 34 registered trademarks of stationery and diaries. How to choose other minor categories when registering: there is one trademark in the category of choosing to register (cardboard products, group number: 164), accounting for 2.94%; there is one trademark in the category of choosing to register (printed matter related to child care, that is, printed matter related to home safety, group number: 166), accounting for 2.94%. The registration rate reached 2.94%. One trademark was registered (poster, printed matter, group number: 166), and the registration rate reached 2.94%. One trademark was registered (invitation, group number: 165), and the registration rate reached 2.94%. There is one trademark in the category of selective registration (printed matter, that is, printed matter related to babies, young children and children, group number: 166), accounting for 2.94%. One trademark was registered (disposable baby diapers, group number: 163), accounting for 2.94%. One trademark was registered (sticker, group number: 1615), accounting for 2.94%. There is one trademark selected for registration (paper handkerchief, group number: 163).