Guangzhou trademark registration fees vary according to specific trademark registration service organizations and service contents. The following are the fees that may be involved in trademark registration in Guangzhou in general:
1. Trademark application fee:
Trademark application fee is the fee that needs to be paid when submitting trademark registration application. The specific fees vary according to the requirements of trademark registration agencies and government regulations. In Guangzhou, the cost of trademark application usually ranges from several hundred to more than one thousand yuan.
2. Trademark agency fee:
If you choose to entrust a trademark agency for trademark registration, you usually need to pay the trademark agency fee. Trademark agency fees vary according to the agency's charging standards and service content, and can be fixed fees or based on the complexity of the application.
3. Examination fee:
After the application for trademark registration is submitted, the Trademark Office will examine the trademark. If there is a need to review and raise objections during the application process, a review fee may be required. The specific cost varies according to the complexity of the review.
It should be noted that the above is only the general scope of expenses, and the actual expenses may be affected by many factors, such as trademark registration agencies, trademark types, application numbers, etc. It is suggested to consult the specific trademark registration agency or trademark agency for details of the fees before handling the trademark registration, so as to obtain accurate information on the trademark registration fees.
The above contents are carefully compiled by Pig Bajie. com, hoping to help you.