1. Trademark rights are geographically restricted, that is, trademark rights approved in one country/region are only valid in that country/region. For example, after the "Wuliangye" trademark is registered in China, it still needs to be registered and protected in sales countries such as South Korea and Chile in order to obtain legal protection in these countries.
2. Avoid long-term use of trademarks being preemptively registered overseas by others (including competitors, overseas distributors or other interested parties), and having to cooperate with them at a high cost or being forced to re-register the trademark. Build a new brand.
3. Avoid inadvertent or passive infringement of other people’s trademark rights abroad, resulting in the payment of huge compensation fees.
4. The trademark registration cycle in most countries/regions is relatively long. Registering foreign-related trademarks in advance is conducive to export protection and the implementation of market strategies. This is to avoid the embarrassing situation of products that are in urgent need of export but have no internationally registered trademark available.
5. Establish brand image, enhance corporate brand value, and create an international brand. For example, the "Haier" trademark can be promoted after international registration to win more trust from consumers.
6. The state provides special financial subsidies and other preferential policies for export enterprises to register trademarks overseas.
International trademark registration information:
The applicant’s name must be completely consistent with the name of the domestic applicant or registrant and have one of the following subject qualification documents:
1. Copy of business license,
2. Copy of residence certificate,
3. Copy of identity document,
4. Chinese expatriates who do not have a real and valid industrial and commercial business place or residence in China should attach a notarized certificate of Chinese nationality.
Nationals who are not members of the "Madrid Union" and have joint ventures or wholly-owned enterprises in my country can apply for international registration through the Trademark Office. In addition, legal persons or natural persons in Taiwan Province can apply for international registration through the National Trademark Office.
The applicant shall prepare a basic registration or basic application document of the country of origin with one of the following contents according to the type of "designated country":
1. "Copy of Trademark Registration Certificate" ( Used for: pure "agreement" and pure "protocol parties or *** same party"),
2. Copy of "Preliminary Validation Announcement" (used for: pure "agreement" and pure "protocol" Contracting party or *** the same contracting party),
3. "Trademark Application Acceptance Certificate" issued by the Trademark Office (for: pure "Protocol" contracting parties).
If entrusting an agent, a copy of the "Agent's Letter of Attorney".
Fill in a Chinese international trademark application form in accordance with the regulations, and the application form must be stamped with the official seal or signature of the applicant. Or, fill in an application form for international registration in a foreign language as required, and the application form must be stamped with the official seal or signature of the applicant.
Trademark pattern. If priority is claimed, proof of priority should be provided. I hope the answer to the trademark registration query on Social Standard Network can help you.