Trademark Registration Application
Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce:
It is now proposed to use the ___ trademark for use in No. ___ of the Commodity Classification List Please apply for registration for the following products in the category.
Technical Standards
Product Name^Product Usage^Main Raw Materials
Applicant ( Chapter stamp)————
Business license number______
Economic nature_______
Comes with
10 trademark drawings (1 each of the designated color colored icon and black and white ink drawing) Others
Application fee ^ yuan
Registration fee ^ yuan
Local industrial and commercial administration bureau’s special stamp for charging fees
County-level industrial and commercial administration bureau’s approval opinion:
Provincial (municipal) level industrial and commercial administration bureau’s approval opinion:
lt; Example gt; II
Trademark registration application form
(This form is applicable to domestic applicants)
Application Date____________
Application Number______Category____
Applicant’s Name____________
Applicant’s Address___________
Economic nature__________
Business license number ________ (stamp)
Postal code □□□□□□^^year^month^day
Trademark registration fees:
(1) Application fee _______ yuan
(2) Registration fee _______ yuan (charge stamp)
( 3) Stamp duty:
Transfer (agent): ^^ Transfer (agent):
(stamp)^^ (stamp)
Year ^month^day^^year^month^day
Postal code □□□□□□^^Postal code □□□□□□
(Book type - table on the back ) (Example.)?
(Add one trademark pattern in the box, and attach ten additional patterns. Ten attached color patterns of the specified color and one black and white ink draft)
Whether the trademark specifies a color.
Trademark type: ____
Trademark design description: ______
Whether this is the first application: ____ What other types of goods have the same trademark been registered on: ___
Product Category: ___In which categories are you applying at the same time: ___
Product Name
Product Usage
Main Raw Materials
p>lt; Example gt; Three
Trademark registration application form
(This form is applicable to foreign and regional applicants)
Application date_ ______________
Application number______ Category__
Priority application:
First filing country__________
Application date___________
Application number____________________
Applicant’s name (Chinese)______________
(Foreign language)___________
Applicant’s address (Chinese)_______________
(Foreign language)_______________
Applicant’s signature/stamp___________
Name of agent on ^month^, year _______________ (stamp)
Agent address_______________
Postal code □□□□□□^^year^month^day
(Book style 2. Use the table on the back)
(Add one trademark pattern in the box and attach ten additional patterns. The sample trademark registration application form includes ten attached color patterns and one black and white ink drawing in the specified color)
Whether the trademark specifies a color.
Trademark type: ______
Trademark design description: ______
Whether this is the first application: _____
In which other product category The same trademark has been registered on: _____ Product Classification: __In which categories are you applying at the same time: ___
Product Name
Product Usage
Main Raw Materials