If you want to identify the authenticity of Adidas shoes, you can tell them based on the size, softness, and trademark of the shoes.
Adidas shoes are a very standard shoe, and the sizes of these shoes are uniform across the country. In other words, if there is a clear difference between the size 43 shoes you bought last time and the size 43 shoes you buy now, then they are definitely fakes, so be careful.
The most famous thing about Adidas shoes is that they are very soft. When you try them on, if you feel the softness of the soles of your feet is very good, then this Adidas shoe is definitely genuine. If it feels hard, it is generally It's a fake. Adidas shoes have many trademarks, especially the soles of the shoes that have the obvious Adidas shoe logo. If not, then it means that the Adidas shoes are counterfeit products and everyone must be careful.
Notes on buying shoes
1. If we buy sports shoes or foot-covering shoes, remember to put on socks to try them on, because socks have a certain thickness. If you happen to be wearing shoes but not wearing socks, the shoes will be a little tight and uncomfortable when you buy them and wear them again.
2. When we buy shoes, we must pay attention to the elasticity and width of the shoes. When trying on the shoes, try to take a few steps and bend the soles of the feet forward. When trying them on, your feet should have a certain width in the shoes, and you can probably put a finger in them vertically, otherwise the shoes will be too tight and will be uncomfortable to walk on.