Hey, I collected it personally, I hope you can use it
PC: Personal Computer
CPU: Central Processing Unit
CPU Fan: The "radiator" (Fan) of the central processing unit
MB: MotherBoard
RAM: Memory Random Access Memory, divided into specifications by PC-code name , such as PC-133, PC-1066, PC-2700
HDD: Hard Disk Drive
FDD: Floppy Disk Drive
CD-ROM: Optical drive Compact Disk Read Only Memory
DVD-ROM: DVD optical drive Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory
CD-RW: Burner Compact Disk ReWriter
VGA: Display card (the formal term for display card should be Display Card)
AUD: Sound card (the formal term for sound card should be Sound Card)
LAN: Network card (the formal term for network card should be Network Card)
MODM: data card or modem
HUB: hub
WebCam: network camera
Capture: audio and video capture card
Case: chassis
Power: power supply
Mouse: mouse, common interface specifications are PS/2 and USB
Moniter: screen, CRT is Picture tube screen, LCD is liquid crystal screen
USB: Universal Serial Bus, used to connect peripheral devices
IEEE1394: New high-speed serial bus specification Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
KB: Keyboard, common interface specifications are PS/2 and USB
Speaker: Speaker
Printer: Printer
Scanner: Scan Instrument
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply System
IDE: Refers to the IDE interface specification Integrated Device
Electronics: IDE interface device generally refers to various devices using the IDE interface< /p>
SCSI: refers to SCSI interface specification Small Computer System
Interface, SCSI interface device generally refers to various devices using SCSI interface
GHz: (Central Processing Unit Operation Speed ??up to) Gega Hertz/second
FSB: refers to the "Front Side Bus" frequency, in MHz
ATA: refers to the hard disk transfer rate AT
Attachment, ATA-133 indicates the transmission rate is 133MB/sec
AGP: Display bus Accelerated Graphics
Port, 2X, 4X, 8X indicates the transmission bandwidth mode< /p>
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
ATX: Refers to the specifications of the current power supply, and also refers to the standard size of the motherboard
BIOS: Hardware ( Input/output) basic setting program Basic
Input Output System
CMOS: Memory chip Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor that stores BIOS basic setting data
POST: Power On Self Test
OS: Operation System Operating System
Windows: window operating system, graphical interface
DOS: early text command interface operating system
fdisk: "Planning hard disk sectors" - One of the DOS commands
format: "Format hard disk sectors" - one of the DOS commands
setup.exe: "Execute the installation program" - one of the DOS commands
Socket: Socket, such as CPU socket types include SocketA, Socket478, etc.
umper: Jumper (short-circuit terminal)
Pin: Pin, such as ATA133 hard disk cable It is 80Pin, for example, the PC2700 memory module is 168Pin
bit: bit (two circuit states of 0 and 1), the most basic unit of computer data
Byte: byte, equal to 8 bit (a combination of eight bits, there are 256 circuit states), a computer text is represented by 8 bits
KB: equal to 1024 Byte
MB: equal to 1024 KB
GB: equal to 1024 MB
access arm head arm, access arm
access time access time
adder adder< /p>
address address
alphanumeric alphanumeric
analog computer analog computer
analyst analyst
area area< /p>
array array, array
assembler assembly program
automation automation
band area
batch processing batch processing
binary code binary code
binary digit binary digit, binary number
bit bit, binary bit
branch branch, branch line
brush brush
buffer storage buffer memory
calculator calculator
call instruction call instruction
card punch card punch machine
card reader card reader, card reader
cell unit
channel channel, channel
character character< /p>
check digit check digit
circuit circuit, line
to clear clear, clear
clock clock
code code
to code coding
coder coder, coder
command instruction, command
compiler compiler
computer language computer language
console console
control unit control unit, controller
core storage, core store core memory
counter counter
cybernetics control theory
cycle cycle
ta data
data processing data processing
debugging debugging
decision formulation
digit number, digit, bit
digital computer digital computer
disc, disk disk
display unit display device
drum magnetic drum
to edit edit
emitter transmitter
to encode encoding
to erase erase, clean, erase
feed feed, supply
to feed feed, supply
feedback feedback
field field, information group, domain
file file
p>floppy disk floppy disk
floppy disk drive floppy disk machine
flow chart flow chart
frame frame
hardware hardware< /p>
identifier identifier
index index
information information
inline processing internal processing
input input
inquiry query
instruction command
integrated circuit integrated circuit
to interpret explanation
item project, item
jump transfer
key key, key code
keyboard keyboard
latency time waiting time
library library, program library
linkage connection
to load load, register, write, load
location storage unit
logger register, recorder
loop loop
machine language machine language
magnetic storage magnetic storage
magnetic tape tape
matrix matrix
memory storage
message information, message
microcomputer microcomputer
module component, module
monitor monitor, supervisory program, monitor
nanosecond nanosecond
network network, network
numeric, numerical numerical, numerical
< p>octet octet, octetoperator
optical character reader optical character reader
optical scanner optical scanner
p>output output
overflow overflow
panel flat panel
parameter parameter
perforator punch< /p>
Peripheral equipment, external equipment
personal computer Personal computer
printed circuit Printed circuit
printer printer
< p>printout printoutto process
processing unit processing unit
program program
to program programming
programmer programmer
programming programming, program compile
punch punch
to punch punch
punched card, punch card punch card
punched tape, punch tape punched paper tape
punch hole hole, punched hole
random access random access
to read read
reader Reading program
reading reading
real time real time
record, register record
redundancy redundancy
routine Routine program
selector selector
sentinel tag
sequence sequence
sequential sequence
serial serial. continuous
shift shift, shift number
signal signal
simulation simulation
simulator simulation Device, simulation program
software software, soft equipment
sort classification, sorting
sorter classification personnel, classification machine, classification program, sorting program
storage memory
to store storage
subroutine, subprogram subroutine
switch switch
symbol symbol
< p>symbolic language symbolic languagesystem system
tabulator tabulator
teleprinter teletypewriter
terminal terminal
Terminal unit terminal equipment
timer clock, precision ***
time sharing time sharing
timing timing
track track
transducer sensor, translator
translator translation program, translator
to update update
Winchester disk drive Winchester disk Computer, hard disk drive
working storage working memory
PC: Personal Computer, personal computer, personal computer, also known as microcomputer or microcomputer.
NC: Network Computer, network computer.
MPC: Multimedia Personal Computer, multimedia personal computer.
MMX: is the abbreviation of MultiMedia eXtensions (Multimedia Extensions), which is an important feature of the sixth generation CPU chip. MMX technology adds 57 instructions to the CPU specifically designed for video signal (Video Signal), audio signal (Audio Signal) and image processing (Graphical Manipulation). Therefore, MMX CPU greatly improves the computer's multimedia (such as Stereo, video, three-dimensional animation, etc.) processing functions.
Intel Pentium 166MHz MMXTM: Intel Pentium is a "Pentium" CPU produced by Intel Corporation. It means "Registered" (registered trademark). 166MHz refers to the CPU clock frequency, and MHz is the abbreviation of Mega Hertz. The TM in MMXTM is the abbreviation of "Trade Mark", which means "registered trademark".
OOP: Object Oriented Programming, object-oriented programming. The so-called "object" is a collection of one or a group of data and methods and procedures for processing these data. Object-oriented programming is completely different from traditional process-oriented programming. It greatly reduces the difficulty of software development and makes programming as simple as building blocks. It is an unstoppable trend in today's computer programming.
28VGA: 28 refers to the yellow light dot spacing (dot pitch) on the color monitor. The smaller the dot pitch of the monitor, the more delicate and better the image. This is because each image on the color screen The dots are formed by a group of red, green, and blue lights. Technically, the three beams of light cannot converge 100% on one point, so there will be an interval between yellow light dots. The smaller the interval, the smaller the distance. The clearer the image displayed on the screen. VGA is the abbreviation of Video Graphics Array.
FAT: Allocation Table, file allocation table, its function is to record information about how files in the hard disk are dispersedly stored in different sectors.
EPA: Abbreviation of Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA announced the "Energy Star" program in 1992 and received positive response from the international community. As long as you start your computer, you will see the "Energy Star" logo appear on the screen within a few seconds. The goal of Energy Star is to automatically enter a low-power state when various components of the computer system are inactive, and to automatically return to a fully awake state when the mobility of the components is restored (that is, when the keyboard, mouse, etc. are used). For products that comply with Energy Star specifications, the EPA will issue the Energy Star mark "EPA POLLUTION PREVENTER", which means "anti-pollution, energy-saving products recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."
IC card: Intelligent Card, smart card.
ATX: A new structural specification for computer cases, motherboards, and power supplies.
IDE: Integrated circuit device or intelligent disk device.
DLL: Dynamic Link Library, dynamic link library.
KB: Kilo Byte, KB means kilobytes. K=Kilo, word-forming component, meaning "thousand; kilometers; kilograms; kilometers". B=Byte, meaning "byte", is the smallest storage unit in a computer (one byte can store one English letter, and every two bytes can store one Chinese character).
MB: Mega Byte, MB means megabytes. M=Mega, word-forming component, meaning "mega; million".
GB: Giga Byte, GB means gigabytes. G=Giga, word-forming component, meaning giga; billion.
CAI: Computer-Asisted Instruction or Computer-Aided Instruction, computer-assisted instruction. It will be the most important and most important teaching method in the 21st century. Popular teaching method.
CAD: Computer-Aided Design, computer-aided design.
ISO: International Standard Organization, ISO launched in 1987 about quality management and. The ISO 9000 series of international standards for quality assurance released revised standards in 1994.
Among them, the main standards that constitute the ISO 9000 series of standards are: 1. ISO 9000-1:1994 "Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards - Part 1: Selection and Use Guide". 2.ISO 9001:1994 "Quality system - Quality assurance model for design, development, production, installation and service". 3.ISO 9002:1994 "Quality System - Quality Assurance Model for Final Inspection and Testing".
3DS or 3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio, three-dimensional photography studio. It is a set of multifunctional three-dimensional animation software launched by Autodesk in the United States. It integrates solid modeling, static coloring and animation creation, and has greatly popularized three-dimensional modeling technology. It can exchange graphics information with AutoCAD, use a scanner to input graphics, and output animations to a TV or video tape through a VGA and TV conversion interface.
VR: Virtual Reality, also known as immersion 3D, evolved from the Air Force flight simulation device. It basically uses the principle of alternating left and right visual spaces to display images to produce a three-dimensional effect. In fact It has gone beyond the scope of image processing. It is a computer-generated environment that integrates light, sound, and images. People can interactively operate objects in the virtual environment as they do in real life. The application prospects of virtual reality are extremely broad.
OCR: The abbreviation of Optical Character Recognition (optical character recognition) refers to inputting text materials through a scanner as computer image files, recognizing them as Chinese or English internal codes through software, and then processing the text. Because handwriting is so random, OCR is currently mainly limited to the recognition of printed text. Currently, the one that represents the highest level of Chinese OCR recognition accuracy is TH-OCR NT for Windows produced by Tsinghua Wentong Company.
SCSI: Small Computer System Interface, a small computer system interface, which emerged to solve the connection problems between numerous external devices and computers.
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, original equipment manufacturer.
Microsoft OEM: Microsoft OEM products. It refers to the software operating system pre-installed on the computer, including Windows98, Windows NT, WorkStation, Windows3.X, and MS-DOS.
MIS: Management Information System, management information system. It is widely used in all walks of life. The most famous domestic management information systems include "Wangte MIS", "Yaqi MIS" and "Quick MIS".
PNP: Plug and Play, plug and play, it is an important technical feature of Window98. Plug and play refers to a technology that allows the operating system to automatically set the system structure when a peripheral device such as a PC plug-in card that complies with the PNP standard is installed into the computer. This means that when users install new hardware, they no longer have to set any jumper switches or configure interrupt requests (IRQs), memory addresses or direct memory access (DMA) channels in software. Windows 98 will notify the application. New changes in hardware devices and automatically reconcile conflicts between IRQs, memory addresses, and DMA channels.
OLE: Object Linking and Embedding, object connection and embedding, referred to as OLE technology. OLE is not only desktop application integration, but also defines and implements a mechanism that allows applications to "connect" to each other as software "objects" (data collections and functions that manipulate data). This connection mechanism and protocol are called components Component Object Model, referred to as COM. OLE can be used to create compound documents. Compound documents contain different types of data created in different source applications, so it can combine text, sounds, images, tables, etc. together.
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface, musical instrument digital interface. It is one of the basic terms of multimedia. MIDI files are played and recorded with electronic instruments such as electronic keyboards, guitars, saxophones, etc. It can be played on most multimedia computer sound cards, even without creating your own MIDI files. , you can also use existing MIDI files as background music for multimedia presentations. MIDI files only store descriptions of sounds, relying on the sound card's synthesizer (FM or waveform table) to produce the real sounds people want to hear.
MPEG: is the abbreviation of Motion Picture Experts Group, which means "Moving Picture Experts Group". It is a compression coding standard for moving images and their accompanying sounds in multimedia computers, which is commonly referred to as MPEG standard. It includes three parts: MPEG audio, MPEG video, and MPEG system.
Internet: Abbreviation for International Net, Internet, also known as the International Internet. It was first produced by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969. Its original purpose was only to share data from remote computers, and later developed to connect computers and computer networks around the world. Forming a boundless super network. The main services of the Internet include: email (E-mail), remote login (Telnet), query service (Finger), file transfer (FTP), document server (Archive), news forum (Usenet), and electronic bulletin board (BBS). ), News Group, World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW, also known as the World Wide Web), etc.
BBS: Bulletin Board System, bulletin board system or electronic bulletin board, also known as Public Access Message System, public access information system. It is an electronic version of ordinary announcements. Users can publish messages through the bulletin board. Any user can read the messages on the bulletin board, or send information to a specific person or a group of users. Bulletin board systems are widely used to disseminate information. Consulting an electronic bulletin board is often faster and more effective than using an interactive mailbox or public postal system to send announcements.
E-mail: E-mail, which is an interactive service that uses the Internet to exchange text messages. Internet users around the world can send and receive e-mails to each other.
WWW: Abbreviation of World Wide Web, Global Network, also known as World Wide Web. It is an information retrieval tool based on hypertext, providing a friendly information query interface. It is currently one of the most popular and advanced Internet retrieval tools.
Remote Login: Remote login (registration), which is an important means to achieve resource sharing in a network environment. In this way, users can connect to any Internet host in the world.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transmission Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
IP: IP International Internet Protocol, the Internet Protocol.
FTP: is the abbreviation of Transfer Protocol, which is the file transfer protocol, used to transfer files on the Internet. The task of FTP is to transfer files from one computer to another. People can get a lot of free and useful software through FTP.
Gopher: Pronunciation /′g uf /, English means "gopher"; (an edible turtle that lives in caves in the southern United States). It is a menu-driven information query software on the Internet that can The user's request is automatically converted into an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or Telnet (standard IP protocol for remote terminal connection) command. Under the guidance of the menu, the user can access the remote information system on the Internet.
Archive: Pronunciation/′a:kaiv/, meaning "archives; archives". The document server in the Internet can automatically access numerous Internet FTP servers on a regular basis and index the files on these servers into a searchable database.
WAIS: is the abbreviation of Wide Area Information Service, wide area information server. It makes huge data resources on the Internet easy to retrieve, and information from remote databases can be obtained.
Luisitserv: This is a popular way for users to exchange information on the Internet.
IRC: Internet Relay Chat, Internet relay chat. It is a multi-user chat facility that allows multiple users to chat with one another via text in real time.
Hypertext: Hypertext. Originally used to represent all hyperlinks, as well as text containing "links". This is a non-linear information organization method. Text, graphics and other data as individual elements can point to (link to) other elements.
Hyperlink: Hyperlink. A "link" to other files. Pictures, buttons, "hot words" or phrases in the file can be used as hyperlinks. When the user selects the hyperlink, the connected information will be displayed.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language, hypertext markup language. It was invented by Tim Bemers Lee, an imaginative researcher at CERN, and is the universal language of the "WWW (World Wide Web) World". Servers and client browsers in the "WWW world" communicate with each other through it; information resources are also described and "expressed" by it. HTML can describe the home page (Home Page) and static text. There are tens of millions of people around the world using the HTML language. It is no exaggeration to say that without HTML there would be no "WWW world".
Hypermedia: Hypermedia. A computer-based method of transmitting and displaying information using text, graphics, animation, sound, and video. These hypermedia components such as text can be connected to other files or processed as a single object.
Navigator: It is one of the Internet browser software produced by the American Netscape Company. The English meaning of Navigator is "navigator, sea explorer", which means that people can use this software to sail and explore in the ocean of the Internet network. Navigator can not only browse the World Wide Web (WWW), but also has multiple functions such as email (E-mail), file transfer (FTP), remote login (Telnet), news group (News Group), and information browsing (Gopher).
IE: Internet Explorer, Explorer means "explorer".