Legal analysis: Trademark civil disputes are generally under the jurisdiction of intermediate people's courts, and grass-roots people's courts in larger cities can also be under jurisdiction after approval. "The same trademark" means that there is basically no difference in vision between the trademark accused of infringement and the registered trademark of the plaintiff.
Legal basis: Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Jurisdiction and Scope of Application of Law in the Trial of Trademark Cases Article 2 For the first-instance cases listed in Article 1 of this Interpretation, the Beijing Higher People's Court shall determine the jurisdiction of the relevant intermediate people's courts within its jurisdiction according to the authorization of the Supreme People's Court.
The jurisdiction of the cases of first instance listed in Item 2 of Article 1 of this Interpretation shall be determined according to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law.
cases of first instance of trademark civil disputes shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's courts at or above the intermediate level.
the higher people's courts may, according to the actual situation in their respective jurisdictions and with the approval of the Supreme People's Court, designate 1-2 grass-roots people's courts in larger cities to accept trademark civil disputes of first instance.