Pinduoduo trademark registration certificate, upload photos of commodity registration certificate or commodity acceptance notice in the place where the trademark registration certificate is filled in. If it is copying or scanning, it needs to be stamped with a red official seal. Please note that only the trademark registration certificate or trademark acceptance notice with commodity registration number or application number can be uploaded, and uploading irrelevant materials will be rejected.
Brand authorization certificate, when filling in Pinduoduo brand authorization certificate, you need to upload a complete authorization chain. If the trademark owner is A, the resident merchant is C, and the owner A authorizes A company B, and then B authorizes C, then you need to upload the authorization documents from A to B and B to the resident company C, otherwise it will be rejected, and uploading irrelevant documents will also be rejected.
If you need to upload more trademark registration certificates or trademark acceptance notices, use different trademark registration numbers or application numbers, and click Add More Trademark Information. Upload your own trademark, fill in the trademark registration number effectively, and then click Upload Trademark Registration Certificate. It is strictly required to fill in the validity period according to the enterprise trademark registration certificate.
In the part of trademark uploading program authorization and trademark registration certificate, select authorized trademark, select non-natural person trademark registrant as enterprise organization and natural person trademark registrant as individual type, fill in the registered trademark registration number correctly and effectively, click Upload Trademark Registration Certificate, and please fill in the validity period strictly according to the trademark registration certificate.
In the part of brand power of attorney, upload the authorization certificate, and strictly require to fill in the validity period according to the working hours authorized by the power of attorney. The identification of trademark holders requires the applicant to upload a copy of the identity certificate of the trademark registrant when uploading an authorized trademark, for example, when applying for the use of a natural person's trademark.