Legal objectivity:
Trademark application registration fees Standard trademark registration fees are charged according to category and number. The fee for each trademark in each category: 300 yuan per general trademark (valid for ten years, Including ten years of fees, domestic companies or individuals, of which the state fee is 300 yuan). The agency's online application for general trademarks costs 1,500 yuan per piece (valid for ten years, including ten years of fees, for domestic companies or individuals, including a national fee of 300 yuan). Collective trademarks and certification marks cost 1,500 yuan each (valid for ten years, including ten years of fees, for foreign companies or individuals, of which 1,500 yuan is a national fee). Different agencies charge different fees. The rights of a trademark registrant mainly refer to the exclusive right to the registered trademark. my country's Trademark Law stipulates that a trademark approved and registered by the Intellectual Property Office is a registered trademark, and the trademark registrant has exclusive rights to the registered trademark and is protected by law. The exclusive right to use a trademark should include: 1. Right to use: The trademark registrant has the right to use the trademark on the goods and services approved for use by the registered trademark and to use the trademark in related commercial activities. 2. Exclusive rights: A trademark registrant enjoys exclusive rights to its registered trademark, and no other person may use a trademark that is identical or similar to the registered trademark on the same or similar goods or services without authorization. 3. Right to license: The trademark registrant has the right to license others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark license contract in accordance with legal provisions. 4. Right to prohibit: The trademark registrant has the right to stop others from using a trademark that is identical or similar to its registered trademark on the same or similar goods or services without authorization. 5. The right to establish a mortgage: The trademark registrant has the right to establish a mortgage on its registered trademark during business activities. 6. Investment rights: Trademark registrants have the right to invest in their registered trademarks as intangible assets in accordance with legal provisions and legal procedures. 7. Right to transfer: Trademark registrants have the right to transfer their registered trademarks to others with or without compensation through legal procedures. 8. Inheritance rights: As intangible property, trademarks can be inherited by their legal heirs according to the order of property inheritance.