Submit trademark application: the applicant submits the trademark and its display, the designated category of goods or services (Italy adopts Nice classification), the information of the obligee, the service address of the document in Italy, the priority document (if any) and other documents to the Italian Trademark Registration Office.
Trademark review: the trademark examiner reviews the submitted trademark documents to see whether the trademark is registrable, similar and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations; Grant the application date and application number to the trademark that has passed the examination, and notify the trademark applicant in writing to the trademark that has not passed the examination, and the trademark applicant shall modify the trademark documents within a time limit and apply for a review.
Trademark announcement and registration: trademarks that have passed the examination will be announced in the official Italian trademark announcement. Within 3 months from the date of announcement, anyone may raise an objection to the trademark document and make an objection ruling; Trademark documents ruled by objection or trademarks without objection during the announcement period shall be approved and registered, and a trademark registration certificate shall be issued.