Fred Perry.
A feather is the LOGO of a famous British tennis and sportswear brand. Feathers refer to the hair that grows on the surface of a bird's body. It protects the body, maintains body temperature, and helps fly. Therefore, feathers play an important role in nature. In symbolism, first of all, there is the meaning of using a part to symbolize the whole, that is, it is used to symbolize birds. When feathers fall from the sky, this logo is simple and powerful, as fast as lightning, symbolizing the feathers on the wings of the Greek goddess of victory. It represents speed, but also represents movement and softness. It was named after Tibby Wegner and tennis player FREDPERRY. Because he does not like to make any fancy designs, he only wants to be simple and attractive. The design is like a feather, which is very popular among young people nowadays. , has supporters all over the world, FredPerry is a famous British tennis product, founded in the late 1940s.