The trademark registration number is usually on the trademark registration certificate rather than the test report. A trademark registration certificate is a certification document issued by the trademark registration agency after successful trademark registration. It contains the trademark registration number and other relevant information.
The detection report is usually the result report of the trademark similarity detection or search conducted during the trademark registration application process. It is used to evaluate similarities and potential conflicts between an applied for trademark and an existing trademark. The test report can help the applicant understand whether there are registered trademarks that are similar or identical to its trademark, as well as the registration obstacles it may face.
Once a trademark is successfully registered, the trademark registration number will appear on the trademark registration certificate. A trademark registration certificate is a document officially issued by the trademark registration agency to the trademark holder, proving that the trademark has been successfully registered and enjoys related rights and interests. A trademark registration certificate usually includes information such as the trademark's registration number, trademark holder's information, trademark description and scope of use.
Therefore, if you want to know the registration number of a trademark, you need to refer to the trademark registration certificate rather than the test report.
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