Beijing Wuyi International Intellectual Property Answers. For trademark inquiries and trademark registrations, you can find registered trademark agencies. The registered information can be checked in the trademark agency column of the Trademark Office website of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. This is verification. An important channel for trademark agencies.
Trademark search is a necessary procedure for applying for trademark registration. It mainly searches whether the trademark application complies with the provisions of the Trademark Law. Before filing an application for trademark registration with the Trademark Office, there is still one major task to be done. , which is to conduct a trademark search to determine whether the trademark to be registered is identical or similar to a trademark that has been registered or preliminarily approved by others for the same goods, services or similar goods or services. If it is determined that the trademark is identical or similar, the trademark cannot be submitted to the Trademark Office for registration, otherwise it will be rejected by the Trademark Office; if it is determined that it is not identical or similar, then the trademark can be submitted for registration.