Application number 200930183204.3
Application date 2009.05.04
Name study table
Public (announcement) number CN301159723
< p>Public (announcement) date 2010.03.24Main classification number 06-03
Original application number of divisional case
Classification number 06-03
Issue date
Applicant (patent right) Wang Honggui
Address: 100 Fengping Road, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province 523000 No.
Inventor (designer) Wang Honggui
International application
International publication
National entry date
Patent Agency Beijing Bangxinyang Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd.
Agent Gao Zhibo
Abstract 1. The rear view of this design product is an unusual interface and has no design points, so The rear view is omitted; 2. The right view of this design product is symmetrical with the left view, so the right view is omitted.