Trademarks can be divided into many different types according to different classification methods. According to the trademark structure classification, they can be divided into business, commodity, class, warranty and service trademarks.
(1) Business trademark. Business trademark is also called "factory mark", which refers to the name and mark of a production or operating enterprise as a trademark.
(2) Product trademark. Commodity trademarks are also called "individual trademarks". They are used to distinguish the use of trademarks based on specific specifications and varieties of goods. They are trademarks specifically used on goods in order to distinguish goods of a certain specification and variety from goods of other specifications and varieties. . The same manufacturer produces goods of different specifications and varieties, and is allowed to have different trademarks.
(3) Grade trademark. Grade trademarks refer to marks used by the same company to indicate differences in quality and variety, making it easier for customers to identify and purchase.
(4) Guaranteed trademark. A guarantee mark is also called a certification mark. This kind of mark is a mark used to prove the source, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality, precision or other characteristics of goods or services. The pure wool mark managed by the International Wool Bureau is an internationally renowned guarantee mark.
(5) Service trademark. Service marks refer to trademarks used by service industries such as finance, transportation, broadcasting, construction, and hotels to distinguish their own "services" from other "services". They are also called service marks.