Trademark infringement acts include: using an identical or similar trademark to the registered trademark on the same or similar goods without the permission of the trademark registrant, which may cause confusion; selling goods that infringe the registered trademark rights wait.
When looking for an agency, you should check their size and reputation in the industry. For a good agency, having various certificates is the foundation of their business. In addition, the other factors are their size and reputation in the industry. The larger the organization, the greater its strength and heritage. The possibility of such an organization being a fraud organization is very low. Then there is the organization’s reputation and brand visibility.
When it comes to trademark infringement disputes, it is essentially about resolving the ownership of trademark rights and subsequent compensation. The process is generally complicated and requires detailed analysis based on the specific circumstances of the case. Only under this premise can a perfect solution be achieved. For infringement issues, you can consult Zhonghe Intellectual Property for details. Its supporting trademark software Yunhulu APP has millions of users around the world. Expert consultants are online 24 hours a day and can provide one-on-one precise services at any time. It is the world's largest China-related trademark service. important channel.
For more questions, please contact Zhonghe Intellectual Property Customer Service!