Mountains in a circle are a common pattern that is often used in natural landscapes and religious impressions. The circle represents wholeness and continuity, while the mountain is seen as the firm and unshakable foundation upon which it is built. Therefore, this symbol can be seen as an expression of sustainability and resilience.
In many cultures, the mountains in the circle have special cultural significance. For example, in Hindu mythology, the circle represents the ultimate goal of triumph, while the mountain symbolizes a spiritual solidity. In Chinese culture, the mountain in the circle is regarded as a fairyland and is often associated with poetry and painting.
In addition to the use of mountains in a circle in culture and religion, mountains in a circle are also often used as trademarks. This logo can convey a spirit of perseverance, or it can be used to express sustainability and longevity of the brand. In addition, this kind of logo can also appear natural and environmentally friendly. Many environmental organizations and natural food brands have adopted this logo to communicate their values ??and mission.