If you press the road, you don't need to have too high performance requirements for shoes, so you can choose high imitation shoes with high quality and good price. Look directly at the comparison between a group of genuine products and high imitation shoes, and intuitively understand the quality of high imitation shoes. Adidas Ultra BOOST has been enjoying a good reputation and sales in recent years. Under the premise of bringing extremely comfortable feet, Full Palm Boost technology still keeps sneakers light, and the use of horse brand rubber also enhances the overall grip of sneakers.
Owen V's sneakers have a great impact on us. No matter from the color and design, they have made a breakthrough, so people can't put it down. Highlight Owen 5 Egypt, then TACO and Black Month. Owen 4 also has a lot of color matching developed to the extreme, and Owen 4 Yuanyang and others are
light and breathable, with good supporting effect. The forefoot of the midsole is equipped with Drive Foam rebound technology, and the heel is Cushion. With Li Ningyun technology, the cushioning effect is good and the foot feels comfortable. The middle foot is equipped with carbon fiber board to bring good stability and torsion resistance, while the rubber outsole is equipped with irregular texture of sole, which increases wear resistance. Because of the convenience of activities, teenagers definitely need sneakers in their wear. Gradually, this has become a culture, which has also spawned a group of sneakers lovers and collectors. This group of enthusiasts will put the new sneakers in their pockets with full firepower, even if they can't wear them all.
Kobe mamba spirit series, Adidas Lillard series, Li Ning way of wade, Anta overbearing, etc., it is recommended to buy low-cut versions of earlier generations, which are more comfortable to wear, will not rub their feet and have good breathability. Their prices are generally between 3 and 5, and their feet feel will not be too bad with actual combat performance. The face value of Owen 5 is higher than that of Owen 4, and the new color scheme in 19 years is really better than one. But in actual combat, there are almost no bright spots except for the first-class wrapping and high wear resistance, and it is the same as moving bricks in actual combat. This pair of shoes has a strong retro feeling and the perfect combination of technology. Iniki Runner is a classic running shoe of Adidas, which is full of retro style.