What are the reasons for trademark infringement?
1. The act of using the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods without the consent of the trademark registrant. The most direct purpose of trademark registration is to protect enterprise trademarks and avoid being used arbitrarily by others. Therefore, the use of another person's registered trademark without consent, whether there is fault or not, will constitute an infringement of the exclusive right to use another person's registered trademark. In practice, compared with other forms of infringement, the use of infringement is the most common form of infringement and the most difficult to recover.
2. The sales infringer is the middleman between commodity producers and consumers, and has the obligation to provide consumers with qualified commodities. If the seller provides the goods that infringe upon the exclusive right of others to use a registered trademark to consumers, it will undoubtedly help the trademark infringer achieve his purpose and damage the rights and interests of trademark registrants and consumers, thus causing damage. I was also stipulated as trademark infringement. Sales infringement, like use infringement, does not require the dealer to be at fault. As long as there is infringement, the dealer will bear the responsibility.
3. In reverse counterfeiting infringement, the actor is not the end user of the goods, depriving others of the opportunity to expand their reputation through the further circulation of registered trademarks, affecting consumers' recognition of trademark registrants and leading to the emergence of trademark registrants. Economic benefits can not be fully realized, which damages the exclusive right of trademark owners to their registered trademarks and infringes on their trademark rights.
In practice, there are countless forms of trademark infringement. In addition to the above three typical ways of infringement, the name of an enterprise generally uses the same or similar words as the registered trademark of others.