1. Confirm the legal status of the transferred trademark. Invalid registered trademarks, trademarks that are in the extension period and have not submitted an application for renewal cannot be transferred; A trademark frozen by the court and registered as a pledge in the Trademark Office cannot be transferred (a trademark registered as a pledge cannot be transferred before the pledge is lifted).
For the trademark in the application, it is necessary to confirm whether the application process has ended. If the rejection decision or ruling has taken effect, it cannot be transferred.
2. Has the trademark registration been pledged or licensed?
After the trademark is registered, it will be pledged. If the holder fails to repay the debt in time, the trademark will be auctioned or sold to pay off the debt. After a trademark is licensed to others, its holder shall maintain the stability of the trademark right and perform relevant legal responsibilities.
3. Has trademark registration become a common name?
The role of trademark registration determines that trademarks must be significant and recognizable. If a trademark has become a common name after long-term use, its distinctiveness will be greatly weakened and the trademark will face the risk of being revoked. Therefore, when the transferee seeks to accept a registered trademark, it needs to judge whether the trademark has become a common name and whether the trademark is significant enough. In the case of pledge or license, if the transferee accepts the trademark, it will put itself at a disadvantage, or even be rejected by the Trademark Office and will not approve the transfer.
The above is the significance of trademark transfer inquiry. In order to get your favorite trademark as soon as possible, you can give it to professionals.