The Analects of Confucius
Luz stayed at Shimen. The morning gate said, "What about Xi Zi?" Lutz said, "Since Confucius." Yue: "Who knows what is impossible?"
Note (1) Shimen: place name. The outer gate of Ludu City. (2) Morning gate: the person who guards the city gate in the morning.
Luz lived in Shimen at night, and the doorman asked, "Where are you from?" Lutz said, "From Confucius." The doorman said, "Is it the one who knows he can't do it and still wants to do it?"
Comment on "knowing that you can't do it", this is the principle of being a man. People should have a little persistent pursuit spirit, and many things are obtained through hard work and struggle. Confucius's "knowing what to do but not doing it" embodies his tireless persistence. From the janitor's words, we can also see the evaluation of Confucius by ordinary people at that time.
It can be interpreted as a positive term and a negative term.
commendatory sense
People should have a little persistent pursuit spirit, and many things are obtained through hard work and struggle.
Knowing that you can't do it doesn't mean that you know you can't do it. You have to do it, but what you want is not the result but the process, no matter what the result is.
Knowing what you can't do is just a preliminary judgment based on experience, which is not necessarily accurate. In fact, it is not what you can't do. What you can do can only be verified by practice, that is, to do it, that is, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.
If you know what you can't do, you don't have to force everything. Give up when you encounter difficulties, let fate take its course. Then there will be no turning the tide, turning Kun, turning adversity into prosperity, turning crisis into safety, and so on. Efforts may not be successful, and no efforts will not be successful.
A man knows that what he is doing is promising, so he keeps on doing it and finally succeeds. Although he is a successful man, he is not particularly outstanding. A man knows that what he is engaged in can't be successful in his lifetime, but he insists on doing it meticulously. "The silkworm in spring will weave until it dies, and the candle will drain the wick every night." It is very hard and valuable to devote oneself to your beliefs and ideals. Just like the foolish old man moved mountains, just like Sisyphus pushed stones up a hillside, the sage did not know that "self-denial and self-surrender" had a long way to go, but he traveled all over the world with the same spirit. In his later years, he retired to give lectures, still taking the culture of rites and music as the core content and contributing to the implementation of "benevolence". As Ceng Zi said, "It's a duty to be kind. Isn't that important? Isn't it far after death? " It is this spirit that highlights the characteristics of Confucianism's active accession to the WTO, which is completely different from Taoism, which knows that it is impossible to do it.
Derogatory term: First, stealing trademarks knowing that they are not their own works, and writing their own works under the guise of others' reputation.
Second, I know I have a little knowledge, but I think I am smart, and I think that a man of great talent should fight with the ancients in history to win or lose.
Third, you don't honestly admit your mistakes when you do something wrong, but you also argue irrationally.