1. Marks and labels: Real Adidas clothes usually have clear and accurate marks and labels. You can carefully check the details of the logo, such as font, line, symmetry and so on. Authentic logo are usually very clear, without ambiguity and skew.
2. Quality and workmanship: Adidas is a well-known sports brand, and its products usually have high-quality production and fine workmanship. You can check whether the seams of the clothes are neat and firm, and whether the details are handled carefully. Authentic products usually pay attention to detail and quality.
3. Material and texture: Adidas clothes usually use high-quality materials, such as high-quality cotton and polyester fiber. You can touch the texture of clothes, and genuine products are generally soft, comfortable and elastic to the touch.
4. Price: If the price of an Adidas dress is much lower than the market price, it is probably a fake. Fake goods usually attract consumers at low prices, but the quality and workmanship are often not as good as the real goods.
5. Purchase channel: When purchasing Adidas clothes, choose formal shopping channels, such as official stations, brand stores or authorized dealers. This can reduce the risk of buying fakes.
In addition, the identification of Adidas clothes needs to comprehensively consider the signs, labels, quality, workmanship, materials, texture, price, purchase channels and other factors. If you are still not sure, it is best to consult a professional or seek the help of the brand official.