Everyone knows what a trademark is and the role of a trademark, but in order to better distinguish the quality of different goods, graded trademarks have emerged. So what is a class trademark, and what does a class trademark specifically mean? The details are as follows: Grade refers to the same trademark or different trademarks used on a commodity with different quality, specifications and grades. Some of these trademarks have the same name, but different graphics or text fonts; some have the same graphics, but are distinguished by different colors, different papers, different printing techniques or other signs in order to facilitate the differentiation of different product qualities; and some are Use the two major principles of trademark registration to analyze names or graphics to make distinctions. Advantages of graded trademarks: Compared with the practice of artificially classifying products with the same brand name into first-class products, second-class products, third-class products, out-of-class products, etc. due to quality problems, and then pushing prices to the market at reduced prices, it is very unfair. Wisely, the result can only be to "shoot oneself in the foot", which not only damages the reputation of famous brands, but also creates opportunities for counterfeit speculators. The function of grade trademarks is to distinguish similar goods of different specifications and quality produced by the same company, so that consumers can identify and purchase them. For example, the tires produced by Qingdao Tongtai Rubber Factory use trademarks such as "Camel", "Golden Deer", and "Gongnong" due to different specifications. If you need to register a trademark and learn more about trademark-related information, please call us for free consultation: